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To pursue the understanding, practice and publication of spiritual science as articulated by Rudolf Steiner and practiced in exemplary fashion by the biochemist, herbalist, painter-musician and former American slave, George Washington Carver.  It is our conviction that the needs and challenges of our time stem from having a culture founded in a science that only acknowledges and researches in the physical world.  The worlds of life, soul and spirit are relegated to 'subjectivity' and 'personal truth' and thereby kept from becoming fruitful in every sphere of life.  Further, we have come to recognize that only a true knowledge of these other aspects of reality- a concrete, objective knowledge of these worlds, forces and beings - will help us to bring the desperately needed healing in every sphere of human culture.



  1. To connect with and provide meeting opportunities for those seeking to practice spiritual science for the wellbeing of the world.

  2. To deepen our understanding of the methods and nature of spiritual science, especially as it distinguishes itself from materialistic natural science on the one hand and new age spirituality, 'mysticism' or the 'occult' on the other.

  3. to support the budding and already practicing spiritual scientist through peer groups, conferences, research weeks and other social research forms and forums.

  4. to work towards the publishing and presentation of concrete research projects by those in the network of peer researchers.

  5. to draw attention to those people that are currently practicing genuine spiritual science.



An ever increasing body of concrete research by practicing spiritual scientists  that offer real solutions to the questions, challenges and crises facing human culture.  This research will flow from rigorous, careful, deep research practiced by spiritual scientists around the world who are connected and networking and providing peer review and support for those genuinely working to reach beyond the visible to the invisible spheres of existence for the good of humanity. To support and participate in the realization of this vision is our goal.

"Under Anthroposophy I understand a scientific investigation of the spiritual world, which sees through the one-sidedness of a mere knowledge of nature as well as that of ordinary mysticism and which, before she makes the attempt to penetrate into the spiritual world, develops within the knowing soul those forces that are as yet inactive in ordinary consciousness and ordinary science and which allow such an investigation."


~Rudolf Steiner

(Rudolf Steiner complete edition, Collected Essays, CW/GA 35)




Our Mission: To devote ourselves to understanding and practicing spiritual science to the best of our abilities, as well as to connect to and support those sharing this goal - all that this may bear fruit in the course of time.

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